There has been an enthusiastic and warm reception for the finished books – with the Theatre of the Self website up and running with essays, documentation, mental health links and much more. There are only 100 copies of the limited edition Theatre of the Self...
So very nearly there! Theatre of the Self proofs helped us finalise some of the texts and make corrections. Dr Davina Kirkpatrick has been splendiferous in helping to re-editing and correct mistakes on the proofs – many times. Editing down huge amounts of...
Work continues on writing the Theatre of the Self for publication. Thanks to the patient help of Davina Kirkpatrick (editor and designer) I hope to be able to fit project documentation into a 30 page A6 book. This is quite a challenge and involves a great deal of...
One last read, keep and burn. Or is it? I realise how psychologically edifying it is to use this process to revisit the past, learn from it, deal with it, integrate it. The Theatre of the Self project is about writing the self, editing and coming to terms with our...
I’m very honoured to be invited to present work at InDialogue in November this year. InDialogue is a collaborative research project that interrogates how artists and researchers use dialogue in their practice and over the course of 3 days, participants will...