
Writing is integral to the production of paintings in addition to thinking of them as ‘visual texts‘.

‘Like a matryoshka doll, artist Delpha Hudson’s paintings are composed of layers. Hudson rethinks the distant past, creating a new symbolic medievalism that she describes as a ‘productive disorientation of old narratives.’ Hudson’s historical research has shaped her current revisionist perspective. When asked what she has learned from studying previous eras, she explains that, ‘what I have realised is that the past constantly changes – we write and rewrite it based on where we are now’….

Continue reading Moriah Ogunbiyi’s text ‘The Re-imagination of Female Narratives’

paintings for sale
In the studio 2022 Photo: John Hershey for the Synesthesia Project

Remember when life was so simple, oil & mixed media on canvas, 70x 60x4cm, 2022

Martin Holman on Delpha’s work, 2019

‘Recent paintings are distinctive for the hive of detailed making on which the final surface rests. Process extends from the intricacy of drawing to the complexity of composition and on toward the application of colour. Executed on a canvas support, Hudson has adopted bitumen as a medium, dripping a viscous trail onto the primed surface. Even more so than oil paint, bitumen is a tricky, dirty material’ …Read more

‘I love bizarre multi-layered imagery in painting and attach my own meanings, imaginings and associations. Yet whilst I question my own (and others) need to label, describe and tell their intentions, I write to discover my own intent; to discover ways of reaching new audiences in the hope that we make cultural and societal change together’.

patterned painted chair installation
Grandma’s Story, painting installation with found object and acrylic on linen, 2024

Click on an image to read some of Delpha’s research and writing paintings

contemporary figurative painting
Creatures that tip the scales in our favour, acrylic on canvas, 210x170cm, 2023

artist at work
Delpha creating Roses and other phantoms, a large historical-contemporary frieze at Porthmeor Studios 2022. Image by Pete knight

painting for sale
The sixth sense of understanding, acrylic on canvas, 200x180cm, 2021

delpha hudson painting for sale
Sleepless Nights, Complicated Days, mixed media on canvas, 80x100x4cm, 2020

delpha hudson painting for sale
Confidence tricks, bitumen and oil paint on canvas, 80x100x4cm, 2018
colourful painting for sale
The act of creation, bitumen and oil on canvas, 40x40x4cm, 2017

example of monochrome painting for sale
SHE-HER, bitumen & gesso on canvas, 60x50x4cm, 2011

Our feathered friends, watercolour & ink on paper,42x30cm, 2022

Read older texts below or follow latest news and writing on @theatreoftheself

Read more of Delpha’s writing about art, motherhood and care on Delpha’s archive