
Tiny stoneware figures are combined with found domestic objects to create dialogues about value and visibility for women.

These works use un-monumental scale and concinnity – a harmonious arrangement or fitting together – to make visible and celebrate small caring acts that women and carers perform without thanks every day.

Marginalia, Bunyan Book with stoneware figure, approx 20x20x15cm, on show at Tremenheere Gallery, 2017

clay figure on clock and dirftwood

Over 100 sculptures were created between 2017-2020 and have been juxtaposed with recordings of peoples’ stories about their experience of domesticity and caring for others. Have a look at recent sculpture & installation at Artcore Gallery, Derby, 2019

Upon a Time (Once), found objects with stoneware ceramic, approx 25x20x15cm, 2017

Objets-textes (2005-2012) are assemblage works that combine small found objects with writing and poetry. They propose that we ‘think through things’, and explore our relationship with our physical world and the performance of words. There are over 100 works and they have been shown as installations around the UK including the RWA in Bristol.

Read more on Delpha’s archive.

Lover’s Letters are ceramic plaques that celebrate letter writing. Shown at Kestle Barton Gallery & Grounds, 2014

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old fashioned pram painted black with granite egg stones and text

Domestic mottoes are found object installations using domestic objects and text, 2005-6

Read more on Delpha’s archives

Reuben, 1, latex, diary writing & children’s clothing from the exhibition Loss at the Custard Factory, Birmingham, 2000.

Read more on Delpha’s archive