Theatre of the Self book

author delpha hudson with proofs of book

The Theatre of the Self project reflects multiple themes found in my arts practice around the construction of gendered subjectivities. Performed in 2017, I have published a box set of five A6 colour-coded books that are simultaneously art, documentation, and interactive mental health diaries.

A limited edition of 100 copies of the Theatre of the Self A6 box set of documentation & interactive mental health diaries will be published in mid-January 2021 and for sale: @£19.95.

They will also be featured at the Arnolfini & BABE in March 2021.

Taking its starting point from a 30 day performance of reading, editing and burning 30+ diaries (2017), the Theatre of the Self documents a personal journey through life stories and encourages us to re-think our stories for good mental health.

The documentation book includes short excerpts from diaries (1977-2010), and interpolated commentaries that explore psychological narrative reconstruction – how in changing the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, we survive trauma and improve our mental health.

The 4 colour-coded mental health diaries use themes explored in the project and share suggestions about ways to re-think the self and our stories. They include the Little Black Book of Catharsis (with a handy match on the spine).

Edited by Dr. Davina Kirkpatrick, and printed at local Headland Printers in Penzance, the proejct was funded by Cultivator & Arts Council England.

Download:The Theatre of the Self publishing information